CONTACT 2009 will be our Silver Anniversary! We are planning to meet on April 3-5 at NASA's Ames Research Center next spring. So I'm writing personally and early to invite you to join us for our 25th year celebration, Silver CONTACT. Come to the party!

This year we will be holding our meetings in Building 943. The Keynote and Banquet will be moved to Friday night and our Saturday evening program left free, to allow our attendees to participate in CONTACT Silver Anniversary activities.

As usual, we will offer symposia on a wide range of topics, so shake out your new ideas to sunshine at CONTACT. We're planning to present our traditional blatantly diverse agenda. Plus a Silver Anniversary banquet and Silver Anniversary T-Shirts.

Larry Niven and Kim Stanley Robinson are among the veterans who are coming back for the party. Our keynote speaker will be Penny Boston, associate professor of Cave and Karst Studies at New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, an original member of the Case for Mars project, and a veteran of CONTACT with an abiding interest in extremophiles (human and microbial).

PLEASE NOTE: This announcement also constitutes a call for papers and projects. The program has already begun to fill up. (See our website and below for those confirmed.*) If you haven't already done so, e-mail us your proposals now. Send paper or project title and abstract (about 50 words) and a short biographical statement (3-4 lines) BY NOVEMBER 30 to If you are still dithering about a topic, please at least inform us of your intention to submit, so we can try to hold a place for you. A mailing to a wider audience will go out on December 1.

Our program, as it evolves, will be updated on our website. You can also register there now and find information about rooms. Because we anticipate Ames to be more crowded this year, we urge you to make your room reservation NOW, as limited accommodations exist at the Lodge. Please join us at Silver CONTACT. Looking forward to working and playing together...

Jim Funaro

* Besides those listed above: Bill Clancey, Kathryn Denning, Gus Frederick, Jim Funaro, Jeroen Lapre, Gerald Nordley, Don Scott, Carlo Sequin, Reed Riner, Seth Shostak, and Carol Stoker.

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